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Conducting an Advanced Search in Way We Do

How to use the advanced search in Way We Do

Andrew Sutton avatar
Written by Andrew Sutton
Updated over 2 months ago

The Advanced Search in Way We Do lets you zero in on content using a set of predefined filters to narrow down the search results making it easier for you to find the content you're looking for.

Searching for Procedures and Activated Checklists

This search produces results containing any Procedures, Policies, Master Activated Checklists (Processes), and Quizzes in your manual.

To conduct an Advanced Search, click on the drop-down menu on the search toolbar on the Way We Do Dashboard and select Advanced Search from the drop-down. This redirects you to the Advanced Search page.


You can also enter a keyword and hit enter on your keyboard, which will then redirect you to the Advanced Search Page.

Filtering your Advanced Search

Once in the Advanced Search Page, you can enter your keywords and select which filters to apply to narrow down your search results.

  • Status: is the procedure, activated checklist, or quiz in Published, Draft, Pending Review, Upcoming, or Retired status (only those with edit access can use this filter)

  • Type: is it a procedure, master activated checklist, or a quiz

  • Label: where the procedure, master activated checklist, or quiz currently resides

  • Author: any procedures, master activated checklists, or quizzes created by a particular author

  • Responsibility: the role to which the procedure, master activated checklist, or quiz has been assigned

  • Has Reminders: does the procedure, master activated checklist, or quiz have reminders set up

  • Has Automations Any automations created for the master activated checklist or quiz

  • Has Attachments: Any document or file attachments

  • Has Restriction: Any restrictions assigned for specific roles

  • Acceptance: which of the acceptance criteria have been assigned to the procedure

  • Has Revision Date: if revision dates have been assigned

  • Revision Date: The date range for when the revision dates might be

  • Published Date: The date range for when it was published

  • Modified Date: The date range for when it was most modified

Some filters will allow for multiple entries, such as the Labels, Status, Role, and Author. You will need to enter some text and select an option from the suggestions that appear.

Searching for Activated Checklist Instances

Once in the Advanced Search, change the search to Instances. This lets you search for Activated Checklist Instances that are still active, completed, or abandoned.


The results returned will depend on whether you are involved in the checklist instance (you either started the checklist instance or were invited as a collaborator) and your Way We Do permissions (User, Editor, or Administrator). As a user or editor, you can only see instances relating to your instances, while as an administrator you can see your instances and other users instances.

Similar to the Procedures filter, you will need to enter your keywords and select which filters to apply to your search to narrow down search results.

  • Status: is the instance still active, awaiting supervisor invites, awaiting supervisor signoff, completed, supervisor signoff completed or has the checklist been abandoned.

  • Master Checklist: refers to the title of the master checklist which the instance originated from

  • Collaborator: the users in Way We Do involved in the checklist. This can be yourself or other team members.

  • Role Assigned: the role assigned to complete the checklist instance

  • Supervisor Sign-off: is sign-off required, not required, due now for the checklist instance

  • Activity: The date range within when user activity would have occurred in the checklist instance.

  • No Activity: The date range within when no user activity occurred in the checklist instance.

  • Entire Duration: the length of time it has taken user(s) to complete the checklist instance. This can be in minutes, hours, days, days, weeks.

  • Step Duration: the length of time it has taken user(s) to complete a step in the checklist instance. This can be in minutes, hours, days, weeks.

  • Has Comments: were comments entered when users were completing the checklist instance.

  • Due Status: the status the instance is in as a result of having a due date

Similar to the procedure filters, some filters allow for multiple entries which can be selected from the suggestions that appear when you enter text.

Saving and Loading a Search

You can also save searches that you run frequently. This is particularly useful for your activated checklist instances where you monitor team activity for specific checklists.

To save a search you've run, click on the drop-down menu on the search toolbar and then select "Save Search" from the menu.


Give the search a unique name and click on "Save" on the pop-up window displayed.


The next time you want to carry out the same search, simply choose "Load Search" from the drop-down menu.


Select your search from the list which appears on the popup window. Click on "Load" to produce your search results.


Note: The results are updated to included any new activity that has occurred since you last conducted the search.

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