You're able to create a link to an email, called a mailto link, in Way We Do. This works as a link to an email template, that when clicked on, will open an email in your chosen email client.
Adding in the mailto link
You'll need to first enter the text that you would like the link to display as, for example you may use "click here to open an email template" or "click her to email accounts"
Highlight the text and select the link icon on the edit toolbar
A dropdown menu will appear, click on the second option Create email link
A pop-up window will appear for you to format the email template
The email template consists of the following fields:
To: this is who will receive the email. If the email template is designed to go to any recipient, you can leave this blank and the team member who clicks the mailto link will need to populate the field directly in the email
Subject: the subject of the email, this can also be left blank
Body: the contents of the email, this can also be left blank
Click Insert to add the link to your procedure
Using the mailto link
Click on the link within the Way We Do procedure
A pop-up window will appear for your email client containing your predetermined information i.e. To / Subject / Body
Edit the template as required and send as per usual
Note: Ensure that you have set up the default email extensions for the email mailto template to work. See our support article on how to setup default email clients for your browser.
Linking to multiple email addresses in the To field
When formatting the mailto link using the steps above, you can only add one email into the To field.
However, if you want to add more than one email address, you can do this after you've inserted the link.
Once the link is inserted, select it and choose to edit the link (pencil icon)
Emails in this link are displayed with %40 instead of an @ symbol
After the email address already in there, but before the question mark, enter the additional email addresses using %40 in place of @ and separated by a comma
For example, in the above example the text would change to,jacqui%40waywedo?