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All Collections02. SOP Management
Create and Manage a Policy or Procedure
Create and Manage a Policy or Procedure

A collection that provides guidance on how to create Policies and Procedures at Way We Do

Involving Your Business Coach, Consultant and/or Trainer
Add Headings to your Policy or Procedure
Add a New Procedure
Add new procedure using the "no template" option
Using the Basic Procedure Template
Browsing and Viewing Policies and Procedures
Edit Locking
Access and Install Marketplace Templates
Autosave Content
Adding Reminders to a Procedure
How to Add a Revision Date to a Procedure
Adding an Acceptance Request
Linking to an email address (Mailto templates) in Way We Do
Adding version numbers to your procedures
Why can't I add reminders, revision dates, or other criteria to my procedure while writing it?
How to Paste a Drawing into a Procedure
Editing and Linking Attachments That Are Hosted By A File Sharing Solution
Editing Attachments, Saving and Reattach To Procedure
Superscript & Subscript Short Cut Keys
How to add a Block Quote to a procedure
Inserting a Loom Video in Way We Do
How to Make Videos Private to Your Company Manual
Activated Checklist Activity Title Settings
How to Attach Files and Link to them within your policy or procedure
Inserting PowerPoint and other presentations into your procedure
Inserting special characters and symbols into your procedure
Inserting a table into your procedure
Inserting an image (picture) into your procedure
Inserting video into your procedure
Embedding Attached PDFs into Procedures
Embedding Forms
Insert Flowcharts
Use of Indention to Create Formatted Lists
Removing a Link
Linking To Another Procedure or External Website
Embed a Google Drawings Image
How Do I Change The Font In My Manual?
How to Insert Page Breaks in a Document
How to Restrict a Procedure and Keep it Private
Testing and Tweaking Your Operations Manual
Adding editing annotation
Editing already published procedures
Why Can't I Cut, Copy or Paste Using The Rich Text Editor?
Create Web-Based Image Files To Insert Into Documents
Can I bulk upload content from Word documents to my Way We Do manual?
Involving a Technical Writer
How do I center text?
How to Remove a User from Your Company Manual
Table of Contents (Jump Links - Anchor Links)
Inserting a YouTube Video into Way We Do
Inserting a Google Drive video into Way We Do
Inserting a SharePoint / Stream Video into Way We Do
Inserting a Vimeo Video into Way We Do