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View All Billing Transactions in Way We Do
View All Billing Transactions in Way We Do
Dan Sargeant avatar
Written by Dan Sargeant
Updated over a week ago

Transaction records and payment information is readily available in Way We Do. Follow these instructions to access your transactions.

  • Click the 'waffle' icon to open the administration menu, then click Account

  • Click on Billing and Subscription

Pay As You Go Accounts

Scroll down the the Billing History section and select View All Transactions This will open a page containing a record of your past transactions, with the most recent at the top of the list. Select Download to access a PDF

Pre-Paid Accounts

Due to the way the account is processed, pre-paid accounts will not have a transaction record available within the system. If you wish to make changes to your pre-paid account, or receive a record of your account transactions, please contact our friendly support team and we will be happy to assist you.

Invoices (Receipts)

For pay-as-you-go accounts, Way We Do processes payments automatically when they are due. All receipts (invoices), are emailed directly to you at the time of processing. Receipts for purchases on Way We Do will include all important information needed for accounting and bookkeeping, including our GST number and company details. These receipts are also available to download against the transaction in the transaction list mentioned above.

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