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Search Techniques
Dan Sargeant avatar
Written by Dan Sargeant
Updated over 9 months ago

Following are tips to extend your searching capability further within Way We Do...

By default, all search results are matched on full words only, along with the filters you use to narrow in on your search. However, there are a few additional tips you can use when you are unsure of what you are searching for.

Partial Word Matches - if you do not know the full word you are searching for, you are able to type in a partial word and then add an asterisk to the end of it. e.g. boo* will return results for "bookkeeper" or "booking"


OR Searches - when you add multiple items to a single filter, then the results returned will be based upon an "OR" search. E.g. role1 OR role2 (see the two roles listed in the Responsibility filter below)


AND Searches - some filters can be added twice. In this scenario, by placing an item in one filter, and a different item in another filter, the results returned are based upon an "AND" search. E.g. role1 AND role2 (see the two roles listed in two separate Responsibility filters below)


Search Everything - to return a list of all procedures or instances within Way We Do, leave the search field blank. You are then able to use filters to specify exactly what you are looking for.


Search for a specific term

To search for a specific term, you need to place quotes around the search criteria. For example, if looking warehouse quality inspection and you only want to see results that have that exact term, place quote marks around it e.g. "warehouse quality inspection"

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