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Way We Do is live!
Dan Sargeant avatar
Written by Dan Sargeant
Updated over a week ago

We're excited to say that the first version of Way We Do is now live for you to use within your business or organization. Way We Do enables business owners and managers to create an active online Operations Manual, documenting the "how to" within your organization.

As Carrie Wilkerson says, "Systems are not sexy - but they really DO drive everything we do!" The team at Way We Do believe that systems can be a lot of fun, it just depends on how you present them. That is why we allowed for images and video to be inserted into your procedures on Way We Do to make them come to life.

Way We Do can be accessed from any location, so if your team work from different locations or they are out in the field, they are able to access their procedures with ease.

We understand that documenting instructional information in your business or organisation can be a BIG task, that is why we have created the Market Place to allow you install pre-written process document to save you time. We're currently loading the new procedure documents into Way We Do and will be regularly adding more.

Way We Do is just getting started, so we would love your feedback to add your requirements to the product roadmap as we develop the platform further.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Technical Director, Dan Sargeant and programmer Jerry Joseph for their hard work. Our designer Adam Fairhead from Fairhead Creative has created two great characters, the "Right Bros" that we adore and we are very pleased with the design of the website and Way We Do application.

Thanks to the team at the National College of Business for their support (Jon, Danyelle, Simon, Stephen, Anoop, et al.), along with members from our coaching club including the directors of Shift Solutions, TNN Engineering and Aim Home Cleaning Services. Additionally, thank you to our friend and mentor Kathy Ashe for your support.

There have been many others who have provided positive feedback (thank you!) and many more that I have promised to catch up with of which I will be in contact soon.

Here's to creating sustainable businesses in Australia and abroad. After all, it's entrepreneurs and business owners who are the backbone of our economies.

Jacqui Jones
Managing Director
Keyword Intent Pty Ltd

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