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Free Trial Period
Dan Sargeant avatar
Written by Dan Sargeant
Updated over 9 months ago

Way We Do offers a standard 14-day free trial period to give you the opportunity to start creating an Operations Manual for your business or organization.

The trial period allows you access to the majority of the functionality within the solution. Some items are switched off until you become a subscriber such as the procedures and templates Marketplace area.

If you have any questions during your trial, do not hesitate to ask the Way We Do team by clicking upon the "Submit a Request" link in the menu or using the "Ask Us" button within the application.

Our mission is to help you create a sustainable business or organization that you consider successful! Feel free to contact us so that we can help you and guide you in the right direction.

Note: You are able to book in a meeting time with us so we can show you how you can best use Way We Do in to your business. Below is the URL to our meeting page so you can choose the best time you are available.

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