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Automation - Date Schedule

Instructions for using the Date Schedule automation feature on an Activated Checklist

Andrew Sutton avatar
Written by Andrew Sutton
Updated over a week ago

Activated Checklist Instances can be run manually or automatically. To run an Activated Checklist automatically, you need to add an Automation.

There are 4 types of automations that can be created:

  • Date Schedule: which runs the checklist at a predetermined frequency

  • When a checklist instance is completed: which runs the a checklist upon completion of another

  • When a step in a checklist instance is completed: which runs the a checklist upon completion of a step in another

  • When a new team member is added: which runs the checklist when a team member is added to your account

Automations are created based on Triggers and Actions. You build an automation on the checklist you want to run automatically - this is the action. You format the automation to respond to a trigger that happens elsewhere.

This article will show you how to create a Date Schedule.

Adding a Date Schedule

To create a Date Schedule:

  • Click the Alarm Clock button on the right hand side of an Activated Checklist

  • Click +Add New

Date Schedule Trigger

  • Use the dropdown to choose Date Schedule, which will then display the fields required to format this trigger type.

  • Enter the Frequency (daily, weekly, etc) and how often you wish it to repeat

  • Enter the Start Before time to specify when you want the checklist instance to initiate and invite collaborators automatically

  • Enter the Timezone you want the automation to occur in

  • Enter the Start Date of when you want the instance to start

  • Enter an End Date if you'd like the date schedule to turn off after a specified period of time. Note: leave End Date blank if you want it to run until you choose to turn it off

Date Schedule Action

  • In the Action section, enter the Checklist instance details, this will be the name of the activity that will run on a recurring basis. For example, if you are automatically running a finance reporting process on a monthly basis, the activity name could be Monthly Finance Reporting

  • You also have the ability to automatically insert date or time values by using the +Add date to the name link. This inserts a token into the Checklist instance details. There are five options available:

  • Once inserted, the token will add the appropriate date / time (based on the token selected), for example, Monthly Finance Reporting {{MMM yyy}} will become Monthly Finance Reporting SEP 2024 when the checklist is run

  • Click the Assign button to assign people or roles to "Responsibilities". Who you select here are who will be invited to complete the checklist

    • Name: assigning collaborators by their name to choose specific people

    • Role: assign an entire role to invite everyone who is in that role to collaborate

  • Click Save

Activated Checklists with an Event Step

If you want to use a Date Schedule on an Activated Checklist that has an Event step, you need to ensure that there is a default due date set. Otherwise, you won't be able to format a Date Schedule. This is because a checklist without a default due date requires a user to enter an event date, meaning the system cannot initiate the checklist instance.

You will see a warning when trying to add Date Schedules.

Select the yellow warning icon to view details of the error.

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