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Managing Collaborators on a Checklist Instance

Instructions for how to manage the collaborators added to a checklist instance

Andrew Sutton avatar
Written by Andrew Sutton
Updated over 2 months ago

When you start a checklist instance, one of the activities you need to perform is to select who will collaborate with you. This means choosing people to work on the checklist with you.

There are three main scenarios for adding Collaborators when you start a checklist:

There are also ways to manage Collaborators once a checklist has started:

Lastly, an important part of managing Collaborators is when to send invites:

Adding Collaborators Where There Are No Roles Assigned to Steps

  • When you start a checklist that has no roles assigned to steps, it will add you in as the person who is going to complete the checklist in the Steps with no role specified field

  • To add other team members as Collaborators, select the Assign button

  • Use the search field to search for other team members by their name

  • You can also search for and add an entire role, which adds each person who is assigned to the role as a Collaborator

  • Click Done when you've made your selection(s)

  • You'll see your selected Collaborators listed in the Steps with no role specified section

  • Use the trash can icon to remove anyone you no longer require

  • Note: you can remove yourself. This will assign the process to the other Collaborators but not allow you to access or view the checklist (unless you have Administrator access)

Adding Collaborators Where Only Some Steps Have Roles Assigned

  • When you start a checklist that has some steps with roles assigned and some with no roles assigned, you need to specify who will be the Collaborator for the steps with roles. It will state "No collaborators assigned to this role"

  • The exception to this is where there is only one team member assigned to that role in your Way We Do account. In this case, it will auto-populate their name

  • It will automatically add you in as the person who is going to complete the checklist for the Steps with no role specified

  • To assign a Collaborator to the role, click Assign

  • Use the dropdown to see who the available Collaborators are. Note: these are the team who are assigned to this role in your Way We Do account

  • You can select more than one person to Collaborate as this role on your checklist instance

  • You can also choose to add everyone by clicking Assign Entire Role. This invites everyone from that role to your checklist instance

  • To add other team members as Collaborators for Steps with no role specified, select the Assign button

  • Use search to find specific people or to add an entire role

  • Then click Done

  • Note: Collaborators assigned to roles can also complete the Steps with no role specified, you can tell this as it states "Plus all collaborators assigned above"

  • Use the trash can icon to remove anyone you no longer require

  • Note: you can remove yourself. This will assign the process to the other Collaborators but not allow you to access or view the checklist (unless you have Administrator access)

What happens if you are one of the roles assigned to steps?

  • When you go to start a checklist and you are one of the roles assigned to steps, it will automatically add you as that Collaborator

  • You will also be assigned to Steps with no roles specified, however instead of your name it shows "All collaborators assigned above"

  • If you do not want to, or should not be, performing a specific role, you can remove yourself and add in another representative

  • Either click the trash can to remove yourself

  • Or, click Assign then click Remove

  • Use the dropdown to choose the other team member to perform this role, or click Assign Entire Role

  • You have now re-assigned that role to another representative from your team

Adding Collaborators Where All Steps Have Roles Assigned

  • When you start a checklist that has roles assigned to each step, you need to specify who will be the Collaborator for each role

  • The exception to this is where there is only one team member assigned to that role in your Way We Do account. In this case, it will auto-populate their name

  • Where it states "No collaborators assigned to this role" it means you need to choose the person(s) who will perform that role in this checklist instance

  • To assign a Collaborator to the role, click Assign

  • Use the dropdown to see who the available Collaborators are. Note: these are the team who are assigned to this role in your Way We Do account

  • You can select more than one person to Collaborate as this role on your checklist instance

  • You can also choose to add everyone by clicking Assign Entire Role. This invites everyone from that role to your checklist instance

  • Then click Done

What happens if you are one of the roles assigned to steps?

  • When you go to start a checklist and you are one of the roles assigned to steps, it will automatically add you as that Collaborator

  • If you do not want to, or should not be, performing a specific role, you can remove yourself and add in another representative

  • Either click the trash can to remove yourself

  • Or, click Assign then click Remove

  • Use the dropdown to choose the other team member to perform this role, or click Assign Entire Role

  • You have now re-assigned that role to another representative from your team

Adding or Removing Collaborators on a Checklist That Has Started

  • You are able to amend the Collaborators in a checklist instance after you have started it, but only if you are one of the current Collaborators

  • Select the person icon to the left of Close

  • This will open up a Collaborator dialogue box

  • Once open, use the Assign button and trash can to either add or remove people

  • Click Save when your changes are complete

Administrator Access to Adding Collaborators

Various factors may hinder a Collaborator from continuing work on an Activated Checklist Instance, for example, they're away on leave, unwell, or have moved on from your organization. However, the work related to the process will need to continue, meaning new Collaborators need to be added.

As the account's Administrator, you possess the capability to add new Collaborators, ensuring the seamless continuation of the process and avoiding any potential delays.

To proceed:

  • Locate and open the checklist instance you're adding the Collaborator to

  • Select the person icon to the left of Close

  • This will open up a Collaborator dialogue box

  • Once open, use the Assign button and trash can to either add or remove people

  • Click Save when your changes are complete

Sending Collaborator Invites

When starting a checklist instance, an important part of adding your Collaborators is choosing when they'll receive their invites. The default setting for this is "When a step can be completed".

This setting works differently based on if there are roles assigned to a step, and if there are Dependencies between steps on your checklist.

A checklist with NO roles assigned to steps and NO dependencies are set

  • In this case, everyone will receive an invite immediately

A checklist with roles assigned to SOME steps and NO dependencies are set

  • In this case, everyone will receive an invite immediately

A checklist with roles assigned to SOME steps, dependencies ARE set, and the first step has NO role assigned

  • In this case, everyone will receive an invite immediately

A checklist with roles assigned to SOME steps, dependencies ARE set, and the first step HAS a role assigned

  • The person(s) set to complete the first step will receive an invite

  • Once the steps with roles assigned are complete, other invites will be sent

A checklist with roles assigned to ALL steps and dependencies are NOT set

  • In this case, everyone will receive an invite immediately

A checklist with roles assigned to ALL steps and dependencies ARE set

  • In this case, Collaborators only receive an invite when a step they're assigned to is ready to be completed

If you change the option to Immediately everyone receives their invites straightaway regardless of how the checklist is set up.

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