Way We Do records a full audit trail of activity within accounts. Each activity is recorded with information including the name of the person and a time and date stamp. Additionally, email alerts are sent at specified dates and times.
When viewing activity within a Way We Do account
Time and date stamps are recorded in the user's own time zone, depending on their browser time zone. While browsing activity within the Way We Do such as comments entered or items ticked off on an Activated Checklist Instance, time and date data is displayed in the user's own time zone.
When viewing PDF reports
Way We Do produces reports that are exportable via a PDF file. When time stamps are displayed in a PDF report, they are presented in GMT / UTC time.
Email Notifications
Way We Do provides the creation of Schedules, Reminders and general daily reminders. Emails are sent in the user's own time zone according to the time zone that has been assigned to their user profile. However, there is also the function to send notifications in head office date and time zones.