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How to Use the Review Tools in a Procedure while it is In Review Status
How to Use the Review Tools in a Procedure while it is In Review Status
Dan Sargeant avatar
Written by Dan Sargeant
Updated over a week ago

Procedures that are In Review offer three additional editing tools. You gain access to these tools when you are invited to review a procedure. The review tools appear as three simple icons and are located on the bottom left of the screen.

The topmost icon (the one that looks like a speech bubble) is the Comment Icon. Click the comment icon to open a comment box. Type comments into this box to leave feedback for the procedure without changing the procedure itself. This icon will be orange if there are unread comments.


The icon in the center (the one that looks like a letter) is the invite icon. Click this icon to invite someone new to review the procedure.


The bottom icon (the one that looks like a page with a check mark) is the approval icon. Click this icon to certify that you have reviewed and are approving the procedure.


A daily digest email will be sent each day showing new comments and any progress that has been made on the procedure while it is In Review status.

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