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Procedure Publishing Status Overview
Andrew Sutton avatar
Written by Andrew Sutton
Updated over 8 months ago

When creating new procedures, Way We Do starts you off in Draft status by default. You are then able to move on to In Review status where you can invite others to give you feedback on the procedure or straight to Published.

To change the status of a procedure:

Each different status for procedures has a unique function in your Way We Do manual.


By default when you create a procedure, it will be in Draft Status.

You can save a procedure in draft form to save the changes you have made without publishing the procedure to the public company manual. This function is helpful when you need to make a lot of changes, but aren’t able to complete the procedure in one session. You can come back and edit or finish the draft at a later date.

Procedures that are in draft form will be clearly marked as drafts. They will not be viewable by general users i.e. users without editorial access, and no reminder emails will be sent to users about the procedure until it is published.

Click on Finish once you are done editing the draft. You can remain in Draft until you are ready to publish it.

In Review

Click on the In Review tab or button on top to change the status into 'Pending Review'.

The In Review status is a special setting that can be used when you want to invite feedback from others on a procedure.

Only users with 'Editor' or 'Administration' privileges will be available for review invitations, and you can only invite users to review procedures that are not restricted.

Click on Finish once you are done editing the procedure to save it.

A dialogue box will appear and prompt you to invite others to review the procedure. Click Send Invite.

The invitation will be sent by email to the users you select. You can remain in Pending Review status until you are ready to publish it or when everyone that you have invited to review the procedure already approved that it is ready to be published.


Click on the Published tab or button on top to change the status Published. This will be visible to everyone.

Click on Finish to Publish the procedure.

A Prompt will then let you enter some details into the procedure.

Version Number - You can choose if the procedure will be version 1 if you publish it. You can also choose a number if you have an internal version number that is already in place.

Publish Date - Allows you to choose the date when this item will publish. Today's date for immediate publishing, or a future date to publish it later (this feature is not switched on for everyone, send a message to to activate it)

Changes made - You can indicate here any changes you made throughout the editing phase before you published it.

Reason - Enter the reason for the changes in the procedure if there are any.

Author Participation - Will show you who has participated in editing the procedure.

Approvers/Reviewers - In case on of these roles has been selected they will show in these sections.


When you are going to delete a procedure, you have the option to retire the procedure instead of permanently deleting it.

This status was created for procedures that contain outdated or irrelevant information that is no longer used. In order to perform this action we have set this security requirement where you need to type DELETE in order to proceed.

Retiring a procedure shows users that the procedure isn’t to be followed without having to delete the procedure entirely. This is a great way to maintain information that may be needed at a later date.

Filter Overview

Your manual section will be showing 3 sections if you click on the filter beside the eye icon at the top right of the screen which are Published, Editing, and Retired section.

  • Published: This section will show you all the procedures that are Published.

  • Editing: this section will show you all the procedures that are in Draft and In Review. Note: if you have Scheduled Publish Date active on your account, Upcoming items will display in this section

  • Retired: this section will show you the procedures that are retired

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