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10. Team Training - Accessing Reports
10. Team Training - Accessing Reports

Training for your team on how to access and understand the reports available to them.

Andrew Sutton avatar
Written by Andrew Sutton
Updated over 3 months ago

As a team member, you have access to two useful reports. One that details your Acceptance history and the other which details what Reminders & Schedules are set up.

To access these, select Reports from the top navigation.

Once you're on the Reports landing page, you can see the three reports there for you to access.

Quiz Report

The quiz report provides a summary of quiz completions your results

  • Select Reports from the top navigation menu

  • Select Quiz Report

  • Search for, or scroll to, the quiz you want to view responses for

  • Select the number in the Responses column

  • You'll then see line items in the report for each version of the quiz. We snapshot responses in this report based on versions as questions may change over time

  • Click on the number in the Responses column again to see the responses per version

Quizzes with Pass / Fail Results

Some quizzes will be created with a clear pass / fail result. When viewing a report on a quiz that has a pass / fail score you will see where you got questions correct or incorrect.

In addition, there's an Overall row at the top, which shows your overall score for the quiz, and per question.

Quizzes with Resit Until Pass activated

Some quizzes will be created where you can resit the quiz until a passmark is achieved. When this is the case you'll see your results as well as the number of attempts made.

Timed Out Quiz Attempts

If a quiz times out while you're attempting it, the response is recorded as Incomplete and any unanswered questions marked as incorrect.

Partial score

When there is a question that has Partial Scoring enabled it's possible to achieve some, but not all, of the points. When a response has only some of the answers for a question correct, a circle icon will display in place of a tick or cross.

Acceptance Report

The Acceptance report will list all items you're required to provide your acknowledgement for. It also lists if you're outstanding on your Acceptance or have completed it - if completed, it will show you the last accepted date.

Select History on any you have accepted to see a list of when you accepted the item (if it's a repeat acceptance or acceptance is required after a change you may see more than one).

Select Download to view a PDF of the version you accepted.

At the bottom of each page is a footer with your acceptance details.

Automations & Reminders Report

The Automations & Reminders report provides oversight of which content has either a Automation or a Reminder set up on them. This report is a perfect way for you to determine which items you may hold responsibility for.

The report has two tabs for you to toggle between allowing you to view either the Automations list or the Reminders list.


Automations are created to automatically run a checklist and invite the relevant people, on a given frequency. The Automations tab will list all Automations set up in your Way We Do account.

Use the Responsibility column to see if your name or role is assigned. Frequency will let you know how often this checklist will run for you. Click the Procedure title to view the master checklist.


Reminders work as a notification that there's an action you need to take. The Reminders tab will summarize all Reminders set up in your Way We Do account.

Use the Responsibility column to see if your role is assigned. Frequency will let you know how often you'll be notified of this activity. Click the Procedure title to view the relevant item.

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