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Version History

Instructions for reading and understanding the version history of procedures and checklists.

Dan Sargeant avatar
Written by Dan Sargeant
Updated over 5 months ago

Version History allows all users in Way We Do to visually see the changes that have been made to a Procedure, Policy, or Activated Checklist.

Accessing Version History

Version History can be identified as a "Clock icon with an arrow going anti-clockwise". Click on this icon to access Version History.

Previous versions are displayed at the top of the page, going left to right, with the most current version displayed first. Use the arrow on the righthand side to scroll back and view earlier revisions.

Each version has a version number, procedure status i.e. draft, review, or published, date and time the version was saved, and the name of the editor. Note: Editors and Administrators can see draft, review, and published version. All other team can only see published versions.

Editors and Administrators are able to restore previous versions by clicking on the Restore button.


You're also able to see notes entered about the changes made, the reason for the change, and the participants involved in the change. Simply click on the notepad icon at the lower right of the box.


A pop up will then show you the notes

Select the Show changes checkbox to view the changes. Any additions to the procedures are displayed in green text and highlighted, while deleted content is displayed in red text with a strike-through and highlighting. Formatting changes are displayed in orange, with a dotted line underneath the text.


Version History in Activated Checklists

Click on the Version History icon on the righthand side and then click on Show Changes to see changes to your checklist.

This will display changes to step numbers with the new step numbers in green text and highlighted, while the old step numbers are displayed in red text with a strike-through and highlighting. The same also applies to changes made to step titles.

Formatting changes in the instruction panel are indicated in orange for you to click on the step and review.


Changes Not Displayed in Version History

While Version History visualizes changes from all edits saved for existing standalone policies and procedures in your Way We Do account, this function does not come into effect for existing Activated Checklists until further edits are made.

You will still be able to view each version; however, the Show Changes button is disabled for previous edits. This is only applicable for new edits and revisions made to your activated checklists moving forward.

Some formatting changes are not displayed in the Version History feature. These include:

  • heading <H> size changes, for example, from <H1> to <H2>, or <H1> to normal text

  • indenting and alignment of text (right, center, left, full)

  • inserting tables (except where the text has been added, changed or deleted upon insertion)

  • inserting or changing links or file attachments on existing text (except where the text has been added, changed, or deleted upon insertion or modification).

Additionally, any criteria (assigned roles, reminders, schedules, acceptance, labels, revision dates, and restriction) that are changed in the right-hand buttons of the procedure are not visually shown in Version History.

Keep in mind, that roles added or removed from individual steps of an Activated Checklist are tracked and visually displayed within Version History revisions.

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