Adding an Acceptance Request
Andrew Sutton avatar
Written by Andrew Sutton
Updated over a week ago

You can request that your team members formally acknowledge that they have read, understood and accepted the contents of some or all of your policies, processes and procedures. The following instructions inform you how to setup "Acceptance Required" for your documents.

  1. At the right of the screen, you will see an icon that looks like a circle with an exclamation point inside. Clicking this icon will take you to a page containing three options including "No acceptance required", "Accept once", "Accept after each change" and "Repeat Acceptance".

  2. "No acceptance" is set by default, however "Accept once" will only require the team member to accept the document once.

    "Accept after each change" means that your team member will be requested to accept the document after each time a change occurs on the policy or procedure.

    "Repeat Acceptance" means that your team will be reminded on a periodic basic to re-accept a policy a procedure or if it changes. There are 3 recurring acceptance available including monthly, every 3 months or yearly.

    The Acceptance criteria can be changed at any time.

  3. When your team member logs into Way We Do and views a procedure with acceptance required, an orange bar will inform them that they must read the document and then scroll to the bottom to formally accept the document. When the document is accepted, the team member is removed from an "outstanding" list to an "acceptance received list".

  4. An "Acceptance Required" module will display at the bottom of the page, asking the user to read, understand and accept the document by ticking the box and entering their Password. This digital acceptance is recorded along with the version of the document accepted at the time.
    NOTE: Passwords are not required for Acceptance if Single Sign-On is enabled for the account.


Administrators are able to Access and Review Acceptance Reports at any time. Click the link to learn more.

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