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Adding Reminders to a Procedure
Andrew Sutton avatar
Written by Andrew Sutton
Updated over 9 months ago

Many of the procedures included in your company manual need to be done by specific people at certain times. For instance, you may require that sales sheets are checked and updated weekly, or that stock is counted at the end of each month.

One great way to keep everyone on track is to add reminders to your procedures. Once a reminder is added, an email will be sent out to inform people of the tasks that are required.

Reminders can be sent out to everyone who is listed as a user on your manual, or they can be targeted to specific roles. If you would like to target specific individuals, you must first assign roles to a procedure, otherwise the system will default to sending reminders to everyone.

1. To add a reminder to a procedure, click the 'Reminder' icon on the right side of the procedure screen. It is the one that looks like a clock.


2. Click Add New in the top corner of the 'Reminder' screen.

3. Type the name of the reminder.

4. Click to select the roles that are responsible for the reminder. If no role is selected, an email will be sent to every manual user.

5. Select the frequency, time, and timezone, and specify a start date and how often the reminders will be repeated.

6. Click Save to add the reminder.

The small number in the bottom corner of the 'Reminder' icon will change to show how many reminders each procedure has. Clicking this icon will show a list of the assigned reminders. To edit an assigned reminder, click on the reminder in the list and make changes as needed.

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