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Edit Toolbar Overview

An overview of Way We Do's edit toolbar

Andrew Sutton avatar
Written by Andrew Sutton
Updated over 9 months ago

The Way We Do edit toolbar has a range of options available to help you create your policies, procedures, and checklists.

The following article provides an overview of each option and, where relevant, some tips and tricks on how to use the different formatting options.

The edit toolbar is the same in both Standalone Procedures and Activated Checklists.

Toolbar Overview

Paragraph & Heading Selection

The first item on the toolbar is the dropdown selection for the different text types you are able to use. The options are:

  • Paragraph: this is your standard font that you'll use to write your content

  • Headings: a selection of five different heading sizes. Headings are useful when you require sub-headings or need to differentiate between different sections of your document

Font Options

Bold, Italics, and Underline allow you to change the appearance of your text in order to emphasize it. Bold is available only on Paragraph text. Italics and Underline are available on both Paragraph text and Headings.

You can also use CTRL+b, CTRL+i, and CTRL+u to add these font options.

Bulleted & Numbered Lists

Easily create and format lists with Bulleted and Numbered options.

Bulleted Lists have three options for you to choose from as your starting point. If you create a sub-point (by hitting Tab on your keyboard or using the Indent button) the bullet auto-changes to differentiate between the original bullet point.

If you'd like to be specific about how the indented bullet point displays, place your cursor to the left of the first word in the sentence, then use the Bulleted List dropdown to make your choice.

Numbered Lists now have six different variations of "numbering" including decimal (1, 2, 3 etc.), decimal with a leading zero (01, 02, 03 etc.), lower-case and upper-case roman numerals (i,ii, iii & I, I, III etc.), and lower-case and upper-case letters (a, b, c & A, B, C etc.)

If you create a sub-point (by hitting Tab on your keyboard or using the Indent button) the number auto-changes to differentiate between the original numbered list.

If you'd like to be specific about how the indented number displays, place your cursor to the left of the first word in the sentence, then use the Numbered List dropdown to make your choice.

Numbered Lists also have a List Properties option, which allows you to choose the Start at position for the list. Useful if you need to continue numbering after some other inserted content, such as media or a table.

Decrease & Increase Indent + Text Alignment

Control the position of your Paragraph text and Headings by indenting, outdenting and aligning the text.

Indenting can also be performed by hitting the TAB key with your cursor to the left of the sentence or word. Outdenting can be performed by hitting SHIFT+TAB with your cursor to the left of the sentence or word.

Text alignment options are left, right, centered, or justified (which spaces it out in to the entire available space - like a newspaper).

Insert Table

Quickly and easily insert a table by clicking the Insert table icon and then use your mouse to choose how many columns and rows you require. This will auto-insert the table for you.

Column width: click on the column border to drag and drop it to your desired width. If you want equal column width, just highlight one of the columns and click it, they're all locked i place unless you manually drag it in to another position.

Add / remove columns: Manage your rows and columns with the left two icons on the table settings hover.

Merge / Split: You can merge or split cells using the middle icon on the table settings hover.

Cell & Table Properties: adjust the Table and Cell properties with the right two icons.

Table Properties

  • Add a stylized border to the table and choose a color from the available options

  • Change the background color of the whole table

  • Change the text alignment of the whole table from left, to center, or to right

Cell Properties

  • Add a stylized border to the cell where your cursor is placed and choose a color from the available options

  • Change the background color within the cell where your cursor is placed

  • Change the text alignment within the cell where your cursor is placed from left, to center, to right, to justified

  • Change the position of the text within the cell where your cursor is placed from top, to middle, to bottom


Add a link to a URL or create an email link. If you want the link to display specific text, type this first, then highlight it prior to selecting the link option. If you do not do this first, your links will display as either the website address for a URL link, or display "Send email" for a create an email link.

Toggle Open in a new tab if you want a URL link to open in a new tab (when it displays as green it is switched on)

Insert Image

Add an image to your procedure or checklist by selecting the Insert image icon

Use the pop-up to add the image in to your procedure or checklist. The options are:

  • Upload: either drag & drop or use browse to add an image from your desktop

  • Choose: select an image already uploaded elsewhere in the procedure or checklist

  • From URL: use an image URL to add the image in. Note: if the URL is changed at the source website, or removed, this will "break" the image in Way We Do

Once uploaded, resize the image by dragging from the corners.

Use the image settings hover to (from left to right):

  • Change the image text alternative i.e. what displays if the image doesn't load

  • Position the image In line with text

  • Position it as a Centered image

  • Position it as a Side image e.g. to the right of the page

Insert Media

Use the dropdown next to the Insert media icon to insert media into your procedure or checklist, for example:

  • Video (Loom, Vimeo, YouTube etc.)

  • Forms from Google or Microsoft

  • Slideshows from Google or PowerPoint (must be "Published to the web" to retrieve the embed code)

You can insert using the Media URL or the Embed code.

Inserted media will automatically fill the width of the available page. Use the options in the media settings hover to change the width from Narrow, to Medium, to Wide, or to Full.

Adjust the height by entering the value in pixels, or leave it blank for it to automatically control the height.

Insert File

A file can be inserted into the procedure or checklist for download by the team member viewing it - useful for document templates or other items your team may require a downloaded copy of.

After selecting the Insert file icon, select the document you'd like to insert. The options are:

  • Upload: either drag & drop or use browse to add a file from your desktop

  • Cloud Storage: connect to your cloud storage and select the file from there

  • Choose: select a file already uploaded elsewhere in the procedure or checklist

Font Size, Font Color, and Font Background Color

Change the size of your Paragraph text using the Font size dropdown.

Change the color of the font or add a background color to the font by selecting either the Font color dropdown, or the Font background color dropdown

Select the Color picker on either Font color or Font background color and you can enter in a HEX code to use a specific color. Useful if you'd like your font to match your brand coloring.

Additional Styles

Select the Additional Styles icon to access four, less commonly used, formatting options. These are:

  • Special characters: access special characters to add to your text, such as Trademark or Copyright symbols

  • Insert code block: this allows you to insert custom code to the page - a formatting option for more advanced users

  • Block quote: use this to call out a section of text and differentiate it from the rest of the Paragraph text

  • Page break: insert a page break in the procedure or checklist. Useful for separating sections of the content

  • Table of contents: It provides a list of chapters or sections in a document, you can place it at the beginning of the document.

Way We Do AI

Access Way We Do AI, our text generation feature, that helps you write your policies and procedures fast.

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