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AI - Write a Paragraph

Instructions on how to use the Write a Paragraph functionality

Andrew Sutton avatar
Written by Andrew Sutton
Updated over 8 months ago

The Write a Paragraph function is designed to take a heading, or a sentence, and write a paragraph about it.

For example, when writing your Code of Conduct, you may like it to write an Introduction for you. Highlight the word "Introduction" and select the Write a Paragraph option and it will generate the intro for you. It can do this because the AI is aware of the title you entered for the policy or procedure.

The Write a Paragraph function is available on:

  • Standalone Procedures

  • Activated Checklists

  • Role Descriptions

How to use Write a Paragraph

  • Highlight the content you wish to write a paragraph about

  • Select the AI button - bright pink icon on the far right

  • Click Write a Paragraph

  • A message will appear to let you know that the AI is working

  • Once completed, the generated paragraph will be inserted in to your procedure

  • At the top of the generated paragraph, the hover will appear for you to Accept or Reject the content the AI has created for you

  • You can also choose to Regenerate or Give us feedback at this point too

  • Once you're happy with the generated paragraph and have selected Accept, you can then continue writing your policy or procedure

  • This may include adding to the paragraph created, or removing unnecessary items

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